Small Blessings Retreat & Animal Ministry
How To Help
There are several ways to join the Small Blessings family. Any form of assistance is greatly appreciated.​

We are entirely self-funded and a little extra help goes a long way. If you have the means, please consider donating so we can keep our animals safe and healthy, and so we can continue bringing our services to you! You can assign your contirubution to our bursary fund that supports those who cannot afford but would benefit from our sessions and programs.
Adopt/Sponsor An Animal
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring one of our animals! The sponsorship program was actually requested by a visiting child who wanted to adopt an animal that she could visit and offer her allowance to help care for them. Your sponsorship gift helps to pay for feed, medical care, bedding and other expenses required to make their lives comfortable and healthy so that they can continue to care for humans. In return, you receive:
A photo and story of your adopted animal;
A certificate of adoption;
One 30 minute visit with your adoptee monthly (by appoiuntment);
Visuals, Voices, Violins, if desired, same day as monthly visit (by appointment);
Photos with you and your adoptee;
Updates on events involving your adoptee.
You can meet the animals here! Suggested minimum adoption fee: $20/month or $200 if paid yearly (two months free).

At Small Blessings, our volunteers are more than 'workers'. They are caregivers and nurturers, teachers and students, mentors and friends. All who come are appreciated for what they can give but are also given the opportunity to participate in and learn from our mission. Give and take. The circle of life. Here, the work you do matters. To the animals. To the clients. To us. Everything is so critical to the wellbeing of another living being that even the most tedious and boring can become light and exciting... joyful!
A volunteer may work in one or more of the following areas:
Animal care
Barn & Coop cleaning
Arena and pasture maintenance
Assisting with workshops and events
Assisting with office work
Bird garden and feeder maintenance
The only requirements are that one comes with an open heart, is willing to learn new ways, and is ready to commit to work in an environment of peace, joy, and gentleness. I hope that the rewards far outweigh the job.​
Volunteers Always Welcome

Students can qualify for service/community hours.